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The #1 Problem Keeping Marketers Up At Night

4 Tips to Turn Your Data Insight Nightmares Into a Dream Come True

January 2023

Marketing isn’t guesswork. Marketers don’t sit around waiting for the next revolutionary idea to seamlessly cross their minds and hope it lands. Technology has evolved the modern marketer into a technologist, proficient in using data-driven insights to inform how you work, what you execute on, and the best way to reach intended audiences.

There’s an ocean of data at your disposal, but it’s not always easy to translate these insights into an effective strategy. Marketers ranked “adopting a data-driven strategy” as their top challenge going into 2023, which makes sense with the uncertain economic climate putting more heat on marketers to demonstrate their value. And with only 3% of executives saying their departments meet their data quality’s acceptable range – with too many data records containing critical errors – numbers speak volumes.

Here’s how you can use data more effectively to inform great creative and communications that inspire your audience to take action, give stakeholders proof that guesswork in marketing is a thing of the past, and demonstrate that marketers are invaluable strategic partners who meaningfully contribute to your organization’s bottom line.


Tip #1: Evolve Marketing with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) continually evolves by leaps and bounds. While some have fears of AI, many marketers are seeing great value using this tool, and high quality AI makes the strongest impact when you leverage the technology to enhance, not replace, your work. AI focuses on supercharging human insight and empowers marketers to work faster and smarter by helping identify patterns, predicting what will work in a campaign’s planning stage, and providing more comprehensive results.

Think of it this way: your audience is always going to crave connections. As a marketer, you’re a pro at building relationships and resonating with your audience because you understand their pain points. It’s part of that shared human experience. AI tools can give you the scientific certainty to know which specific language is more likely to land with audiences to facilitate more meaningful connections.

Language intelligence software, a type of AI, can tell you that using corporate jargon like “future-proof” doesn’t land with your employees or that leaning into your company’s sustainability value with certain words will help you reach younger consumers. Words matter and AI shows you which ones land with audiences, but you’re the one who can take these insights one step further, such as:

  • Building new and updating existing content to align with an audience’s values.
  • Proposing a new leadership training to get your executives speaking the same way about your company values.
  • Undergoing a brand refresh to align with your audience’s values and ensure brand consistency across all your assets.


Tip #2: Don’t Rely on a Hunch: Let Data Inform Your Work

Sometimes, when it comes to data, marketers dive into the numbers after launching their creative, asking, how did it do? In the build phase of a campaign, marketers spend countless hours, resources, and creative energy building collateral and launching campaigns, and then — often weeks or months later — they’ll use data to report on how a campaign performed. By taking this approach, marketers can too often create messaging by relying on their gut feelings, not science.

Marketers can also spend a lot of effort to have insights up front, whether that’s through creative testing via focus groups or A/B testing of thousands of iterations. While these methods can provide good insight, they can also be very expensive.

Looking for a proven and cost effective way to get crucial insights? Enter the power of AI and data. Marketers can now use new data forms, including AI and other data science sources, to help answer the million-dollar question: what challenge am I looking to solve? Not only can they answer this question, but they can do so smarter, faster and more efficiently both before and after a campaign launch. AI helps them understand what happened and more importantly, why it happened.

For example, if you’re looking to generate more loyalty among Generation Z, you can use language intelligence software to analyze your existing content to see what’s working. This can inform what you test and make it far more efficient. That data may show that increasing your use of first-person language or swapping one word for another will drive a measurable impact that helps you connect with this audience.

AI is also a critical tool to understand how your tone of voice is impacting social media results. Armed with this technology, marketers can measure language to understand what’s driving performance and replicate it.

You don’t have to constantly reinvent the wheel; let data guide your work to make every campaign as effective as possible.


Tip #3 Unsilo Your Insights

Marketing teams often operate in silos. This age-old story is a universal trend that transcends industries, geographies, and more, but that doesn’t mean you should accept this misalignment as the status quo. A lack of collaboration and communication often leads to redundant work, wasted resources, and even brand inconsistencies that negatively impact your bottom line.

Did you know that 77% of companies admit that they’re creating content that’s not in their brand voice? The impact of those inconsistencies adds up fast when you consider that 50% of people base their purchasing decisions on shared values with a brand.

Avoid future missed opportunities by using data to understand what your audience values and the language that drives deeper connections. If your team identifies that certain language or expressions work wonders to connect with a key persona, ensure your organization has a centralized way to share this information — and update it when they discover new keys to success. If your company speaks the same way across all your content, you’ll make more impact with your audience and generate stronger brand loyalty.


Tip #4: Make Content Simple & Authentic

Every word counts, and often, you can let them get in the way by using language that is too complex. You have eight seconds to capture your audience’s attention, so it’s critical to maximize every given opportunity to connect with them quickly and authentically.

When a leading global science and technology company wanted to resonate better with its audience, it knew its content needed two things: to better align with its audiences’ values, and to eliminate complex language for a more readable finished product. Pluralytics’ AI-powered platform analyzed the audience, made the company’s content more relatable, and generated copy that was far less complex than the original. Not only was the new copy simpler, it delivered a significantly warmer tone of voice that drove deeper engagement based on AI analysis and aligned 30% closer to the audience’s values.

In other words, use actionable data insights to get to the point faster. You’ll make more powerful connections along the way.

This year will be a pivotal inflection point for marketers. You’ll have to show your work has quantifiable results to secure coveted budget dollars and a continued investment from company stakeholders. Remember, the proof’s in the pudding: Let data illuminate your work so you and your team can shine that much brighter.

Don’t let your words get in the way.

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