
Targeted consumers choose Pluralytics AI-generated marketing language 33% more often.

Join the world’s biggest brands in using secure, reliable AI that performs.

Create meaningful connections in every communication

Content suggestions based on your audience's values

Replace guesswork with science

AI-powered insights into your messaging

Eliminate brand confusion

Deliver consistent values and voice anytime, anywhere

Increase content ROI

Uncover the links between language and performance

Analyze each target audience

Have the right conversations with customers, employees, and investors

Leading brands trust Pluralytics to make their communications resonate with the people who matter most.
Pluralytics can help identify and suggest less divisive or more optimal language
Fortune, May 2020
Uses artificial intelligence (AI) to scan websites, social media posts and marketing scripts to determine how well companies are appealing to their customers.
Star Tribune, Sept 2021
Easy to use and love having immediate score results.
Customer Insights Manager, Marketing
Results speak for themselves
Group SVP, Marketing
What We Know

What We Know

More than 50% of consumers base their purchasing decisions on their personal values — meaning every word affects your bottom line.

77% of companies admit to creating content that’s not in their brand voice — and the resulting brand confusion leads to a range of missed business opportunities.

Connection and consistency are the foundations for genuine relationships — and when your content builds those relationships, the result is unprecedented scale.

What We Do

Our AI-powered SaaS platform reads any piece of content, tells you who it appeals to and why, and then suggests words and phrases to improve engagement with your target audience while remaining authentic to your brand voice.

We are the only values-language content intelligence solution for all platforms: web, social, email, content marketing, direct mail, focus group transcripts and personas.

What We do
What We Know

Who We Are

With a combination of AI, language experts, and deep data analysis, our platform is like having a behavioral scientist, a linguist, and a copy editor in one click. Pluralytics is the only values-language content intelligence solution, which means our superpower is knowing how specific language connects with an audience’s values. We’re passionate about helping brands create content that builds deeper relationships with customers, employees, and investors.

Who We Are

Don’t let your words get in the way.

Build meaningful connections anytime, anywhere. That’s the power of Pluralytics.

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